When the School and Library Improvement Block Grant (SLIBG) and the School Based Coordinated Program (SBCP) were established, they were envisioned as ways to increase school wide effectiveness, improve student achievement, and over time, better prepare students to be productive workers and responsible citizens. One of the principal tenets of these programs was that those individuals closest to the students should be more involved in making significant decisions affecting the instructional program of the school.
The School Site Council (SSC) was selected to be the vehicle by which the school community would come together to chart the school’s path to improvement. CUSD both encourages and values the role our community members play while serving on our SSCs across the district All schools receiving categorical funds are required to form an SSC.
The SSC is composed of parents, students at the secondary level and school personnel and is responsible for developing, implementing and evaluating the Single Plan for Student Achievement programs. Members serve for two years and are elected by their peers.
Please email Mario Alvarez – [email protected] if you would like to be nominated for our School Site Council and participate in our School Site Council meetings.