Head 8th Grade Coach
Assistant 8th Grade Coach
Jeromy Lopez
Head 7th Grade Coach
Assistant 7th Grade Coach
Head JV Coach
Assistant JV Coach
Kai Dill
All players must have their athletic physical complete and have completed their online athletic registration.
Use this link to join our softball Parent Square group and receive information about our season.
Week of February 3-7; 3:30-5:00pm
7th grade M-T-W, February 3-5
8th grade TH/F, February 6-7
We will have four teams with approximately 12 players per team. Players who do not make a team will be able to try out for another spring sport that is available/has openings.
7th Varsity
7th JV
8th Varsity
8th JV
Monday-Friday 3:30-5:30
Tuesdays & Thursdays @ 3:30
Order Spirit Wear and Gear:
Store will be open soon.