What AVID does:
Regardless of their life circumstances, AVID students overcome obstacles and achieve success. They graduate and attend college at higher rates, but more importantly, they can think critically, collaborate, and set high expectations to confidently conquer the challenges that await them. AVID teaches motivated kids how to achieve academic and personal goals through reading, writing, inquiry, collaboration and organization. We also go on college field trips and have guest speakers to enhance the learning process.
AVID Students:
In an effort to close the achievement gap, placing the right kids in the right elective is imperative. AVID is for motivated individuals who have the potential to go to college, but may need some help getting there due to some (but not limited to) circumstances:
Benefits of AVID:
AVID helps students navigate both in academic and professional skills. Despite any issue they may be dealing with, they must be motivated! Students who do not fulfill the AVID requirements may be reassigned to a different elective class.