2023 - 2024 Coaching Staff
Head 7th Grade Coach:
Kristin Pena – Email
Brooke Valenzuela – Email
Head 8th Grade Coach: Dan Houtsinger – Email
Head 7th B Team Coach: Stephen Weimer – Email
Head 8th B Team Coach: Casey Tirapelle – Email
Head C - Team Coach: Michelle Arguijo – Email
Welcome to ASI Girls’ Volleyball! We are looking forward to a great season!
Players: There will be a quick informational meeting during lunch on THURSDAY, 8/22. Please meet in the gym at 1:00 pm. We will review start of season and tryout information.
If you have not gotten your physical yet, you may do so at our ASI Fall Physical night on THURSDAY, 8/22. (See flyer)
Check out our website for more information about upcoming events: ASI Volleyball
Email Coach Pena with any questions: kristinpena@cusd.com
Please join our Parent Square group by clicking on this link: ParentSquare