The school encourages students to pursue interests and clubs to reinforce the instructional program, give students experience in civics and government, and provide social and recreational activities. Student clubs also serve to honor outstanding student achievement and enhance school spirit and students’ sense of belonging. At Alta Sierra, every student is encouraged to join a club. Listed below are the clubs that students have shown interest in during the past few years. All clubs must have 32 students or more. Please note that Asian, African American, GSA and Hispanic Clubs also meet monthly at lunch!
“As part of its educational mission for students, Clovis Unified School District allows both curriculum and non-curriculum related student clubs to meet at school during non-instructional hours (e.g., before classes begin, during lunch period, club schedule, after classes end). The Governing Board believes that curriculum and non-curriculum-related student organizations can have an important place in students’ lives. Besides extending and reinforcing the instructional program, such groups can give students practice in democratic self-government and civil social discourse, as well as providing social, intellectual, and recreational opportunities."
Non-curriculum-related student clubs and the viewpoints and speech expressed at meeting of such clubs do not necessarily reflect the views of the Clovis Unified School District or the Board of Education.
Who can join a club?
If eligible under applicable District eligibility standards, your student will have the opportunity to join one or more such clubs and to attend and participate in the meetings of any club that he or she joins. However, you have the right to inform the school in writing of any particular student club in which you do not wish your student to participate. Consent to participate will be presumed without written notice to the contrary. (Policy 6145)
Every student is encouraged to join a club at Alta Sierra. Listed below are the clubs that students have shown interest in during the past few years. All clubs must have 32 students or more. Please note that Asian, African American, GSA and Hispanic Clubs also meet monthly at lunch!
Act of Kindness Club
Want to start a chain reaction? Then be willing to pay it forward with acts of kindness! We work to help make our school and community a better place through acts of kindness!
African American Leadership Club
This club promotes a better understanding of the African American culture and what it has to offer all of us. All students are welcome and encouraged to join.
Anime & Manga
Come and draw the animation from Anime and Manga.
Arts and Crafts
Do you enjoy drawing and making things with your hands? Come and join us!
Asian Leadership Club
This club promotes a better understanding of the Asian culture and what it has to offer all of us. All students are welcome and encouraged to join.
The Baking Club is for anyone who enjoys creating and eating cookies & confections. Our group will share recipes, baking techniques, and yummy treats. No actual baking will take place during clubs
Board Games
Board games and card games anyone? Challenge your friend to a brain game!
We have Throw, Throw Burrito, Say Anything, Taco, Cat, Goat, Cheese, Pizza! Additionally, classic games such as Scrabble, Battleship, Headbands, and Sorry!
Many more games to choose from.
For those who enjoy watching baseball video highlights
For those who enjoy playing basketball! You will play basketball on the blacktop
Campus Life
This is a great way to connect with new people, talk about what is going on in life, and explore your faith.
Card Club
Do you like Pokémon, Magic the Gathering, Yu-Gi-Oh! Come and play,
or share the best strategies to win!
Chess and Checkers
Enjoy the challenge of out- thinking your opponent?
If you are competitive and enjoy head-to-head competition this is the club for you.
Dance Club
Love creativity and movement? Love watching videos of excellent dancers? Want to learn the latest Tik-Tok dance? Then dance club is for you!
Debate Club
Want to learn how to debate using the CHSSA rules that will get you ready for high school? Similar to athletic sports, speech and debate activities are challenging, competitive in nature, and require regular practice, coaching, dedication, & hard work.
This club works in small groups playing improv games.
F. C. A.
F.C.A. has fun in fellowship. YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE AN ATHLETE TO JOIN!!!
For those who enjoy playing football
Gay-Straight Alliances, or GSAs, are student-led and student-organized school clubs that aim to create a safe, welcoming, and accepting school environment for all youth, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Karaoke Club
For those who love singing Karaoke.
K-Pop Club
Are you a K-POP fan? Are you interested in discussing and listening to K-Pop music? Come and join others who enjoy K-Pop!
Lego Club
For those who love Lego building and sharing best building practices.
Light Saber Club
Do you enjoy all things Star Wars? Then this is the club for you.
Come and learn more about Star Wars.
Marvel Comic Club
Bring your comics to read and discuss story arcs.
Pickleball is fun, social and friendly! The rules are simple and the game is easy for beginners to learn, but can develop into a fast-paced, competitive game. Want to watch videos and improve your game? Want to get out on the court and see if you can be competitive? Then this club is for you!
This club is for any students interested in taking pictures, as well as sharing different techniques to take a regular photograph and make it PHENOMENAL!
You must have your phone for this club.
Positivity Project-P2
Want to help your fellow students build positive relationships by recognizing the character strengths in themselves and others? This is the club for you!
Reading Club!
Nothing’s better than settling down with a good book! Come join us and enjoy a quiet place to read your latest find surrounded by other book lovers!
The science-fiction movie genre is as expansive as the galaxy. Do you love SCI-Movies such as The Hobbit, Star Wars, Lord of The Rings or Marvel? Come watch and discuss some of your favorites! Parent permission required for all movies and no movies above a PG-13 will be viewed.
Are you involved in sneaker collecting? Come and meet with others who collect, trade and like to discuss sneakers as a hobby. Share your knowledge
about the history of sneakers.
The purpose of this club is for members to share in the enjoyment
of watching Soccer video highlights and playing.
For those who enjoy watching softball video highlights and discussing best practices and plays.
The purpose of this club is for members to share in the enjoyment
of playing Spikeball. You will play Spikeball each session.
Sports Bloopers
A look at mistakes in the world of sports. Funny, silly, scary, and how did that happen! Watch on video and the internet.
Swiftie Club-
The greatest fans of Taylor Swift right here at Alta Sierra! Come and talk about all things Taylor Swift! Join, if you want to be one of us.
Taylor Swift
For those that love the game of Volleyball and want to play. Games will be played outside.
Water Polo
Interested in watching international level athletes? Want to work on your throw? Then this is the club for you!
For those who love wrestling.
Club Exclusion Form